Monday, September 26, 2005
Blind spotsI've been very self-conscious of blind spots lately. Vehicles keep appearing at my blind spots when i want to change lanes. Luckily i check them before turning my steering wheel.
I hate those
hao lian motorists who think that they are driving on a race track. Maybe they thought that driving fast without meeting accidents and weaving in and out of lanes are 'skills' to be proud of.
angelzone | 8:46 pm | me, myself and i
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Certainly not a performance that i expect to see. We are below-par once again, although we play alot better than against Villareal. If $$$Chelsea$$$ is always winning one-nils, mighty Man Utd is always drawing nil-nils. Definitely not the match that i want before being sent over to that place.
The next 2 matches will be unwatchable as i will be standing guard next Sunday. I work hard during the working days, only to do extra work on weekends. YOU can do anything to me on weekdays, but to take away my only form of entertainment on weekends is not only despicable but unethical! How unfair YOU are.
Looking forward to 1 Oct (Sat), 10pm
angelzone | 8:59 pm | me, myself and i
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Today's run is below-par as i fatigue after only a few hundred metres. My fitness level seems to have taken a toll from eating oily dried noodles with extra chilli every lunch time. Plus today's McDonalds' dinner with an upsize meal, my fitness is never going to improve by the next IPPT. Unlike others, i am only aiming for a Silver medal this year as i only managed a Pass last year.
Looking forward to eating free,delicious and healthy food next Tuesday morning - paid by our beloved taxpayers of Singapore.
angelzone | 9:01 pm | me, myself and i
Thursday, September 15, 2005

A sarcastic Rooney applauded his offence n got himself sent off
angelzone | 10:22 pm | me, myself and i
A match to welcome me back to SG? More like a match that piss me off. All players look out of sorts.
Come on guys! Show them what we are made of this Sunday, b4 i head back to tt dreaded place.
angelzone | 4:01 pm | me, myself and i