vv Home of The Champions
Monday, January 03, 2005

The ST (Jan 2, 2005) has headlined this article "small-minded Singaporeans".

I will headline it as:


SOMEONE thought that the victims of the tsunami disaster could use a pair of red boxing gloves. Or perhaps a pair of roller skates that had seen better days.

Among the clothes, canned food and medical supplies that were left at News Centre, there were some items that left volunteers scratching their heads. Besides the boxing gloves and roller skates, there were high-heeled shoes, well-used bras, evening bags and plastic handcuffs.

It looks like some people are using the relief effort as a chance to get rid of their unwanted possessions.

SPH's executive vice-president for corporate services, Mrs Sng Ngoi May, said: 'It's very sad that while there are a lot of genuine do-gooders, there are also some people who are trying to take advantage of the situation.'

SPH is renewing its appeal to the public not to donate any more clothing, as relief agencies say they have sufficient supplies.

It will instead accept medical supplies, canned and dried food and water. It will also continue to collect cash and cheque donations on behalf of the Singapore Red Cross.


I knew it would be this way when i saw mountains of plastic bags and boxes at various collection outlets in Singapore. Singaporeans are that stupid!
angelzone | 11:05 am | me, myself and i