Saturday, July 28, 2007
Home Depot Center

The legend was so near yet so far. He did not feature in the match but watched it from a private suite at the Stadium. When his picture with Romeo was shown on the big screen, every Galaxy fans went wild. He was nursing an injury after the useless friendly game against some bluish vistors.
It was my 1st time attending a live match. It was quite a high tempo game. I was seated near the mexican supporters and they were loud and cheering throughout the entire game. The night was cooling and made the whole experience really awesome.
My only regret was that we reached the stadium late. There was also not much post-match experience for me as we were rushing to catch the earlier bus back.
But it was still a good experience. How I wish SG's football could be as exciting as this.
Next match: Wembley, 5th Aug 1500hrs BST
angelzone | 12:48 am | me, myself and i
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Football - A religion
Now I know why people say football is like religion, a particular religion that is.
It's not hard to figure out what that religion is.
angelzone | 3:02 am | me, myself and i
Friday, July 13, 2007
Yet another post about the most successful manager in football history!
My wish is finally fulfilled. I finally got to see him in person but I didn't have a chance to take a photo with him. THE SPECIAL ONE was quicky whizzed away by a golf cart to the team bus.
I also got to see most of Chelsea's 1st team. From John to Frank to Florent to Steve to Tal, etc etc. But, I wasn't as excited as the kids when those BLUE players emerged from the shower. Not that I didn't feel lucky seeing them in person, but I just feel something was wrong. I was imagining about how perfect my trip would be if Wazza and co were here.
The consolation is that I got quite close to THE SPECIAL ONE and I feel SPECIAL.
I wish him luck for his pre-season mind games.
angelzone | 1:08 pm | me, myself and i
Monday, July 02, 2007
Why must our goalkeeper wear Blue of all colours? This is like surrendering out EPL title to them!
angelzone | 9:43 am | me, myself and i