Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I wonder
This shit face has been plaguing me for so long - main reason for the lack of confidence in me!
I wonder when. I wonder......
angelzone | 7:41 pm | me, myself and i
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm daydreaming every single second about the show, "Relentless Justice"!!!!
I can't wait for the weekends to come to find out what would happen to Hui Huang! I want to watch it online but can't find!!!
angelzone | 10:09 am | me, myself and i
Sunday, October 26, 2008
2/3 of my long weekend
In the end, I did not finish what I set out to do - to complete C2.
I still might if I put in more effort for the rest of the night
angelzone | 5:24 pm | me, myself and i
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday - Came and gone
There goes 1/3 of of my long weekends. HaiZ......
angelzone | 11:01 pm | me, myself and i
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's the weekends!
Play time!
Or rather, "Play time"
angelzone | 7:10 pm | me, myself and i
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Facebook-ing, msn-ing, wasting time
OMG~! Why do these time-wasting stuff exist?
I hate myself for doing all those mindless stuff which can only retard my mind even further. Blogging is a culprit too!
But I just feel so energetic doing these no-brainer things online, especially when I got tired of studying that shit module. To do these after studying is healthy for the mind. But I always spend so long on these and I couldn't help it - feels so guilty.
angelzone | 12:05 pm | me, myself and i
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What should my password be?
My nusnet password would be expiring soon. Cracking my mind again......
angelzone | 11:38 pm | me, myself and i
Monday, October 20, 2008
The run in the evening was pretty fantastic. I didn't feel numb in my ankle which I normally would when I run continuously for more than 30min. Maybe it was because of the intensive warm-up which I put extra effort in or the Pro-moderator of the Supernova.
I kept telling myself, "VIVO City and I'll be halfway through. A little bit more!" I persevered and finally finished the run in about 50min.
But my standard is not yet conditioned to run a full marathon yet! 50min is nothing compared to about 4 hrs of continuous running.
I'm relishing the challenge. Need more running sessions......V v tired now. Tomorrow will be the same routine again. Sick.
angelzone | 9:15 pm | me, myself and i
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The wind was so strong today. Those experts were zipping away like crazy while those people like me, were struggling to even hold the sail up! The wind was just too strong for anything.
"USE YOUR LEG MUSCLES," my mind told me. But even with the help of my leg muscles, I was struggling to bring the sail up. At the end of the session, my heart was panting like crazy and my palm filled with blisters.
It was really shiok when there was mild wind. When the wind suddenly picked up speed, I would always be unbalanced and fall into the water. And the mad struggle of pulling up the sail began. It also didn't help that the strap of my slippers came off and I had to surf barefooted. My feet had no grip with the surfboard and when I was halfway up in pulling up the sail, I slipped and fell into the water. Needless to say, I did the cycle of pulling up the sail yet again.
But I managed to put a successful "run" today. The trick was to pull up the dagger board! I didn't know it until today! The guy on the speedboat was shouting, "PULL UP THE DAGGER BOARD! YES! HOLD THE BOOM! STEP BACK! ALL THE WAY BACK! POWER UP!!" Then off I went....
I can't let the wind control me. I want to be able to control the sail in all wind conditions.
angelzone | 5:11 pm | me, myself and i
Relentless Justice

It can be quite draggy at times, but I really love on the Channel 8 lawyer show which is shown every weekend at 7pm. Hooked!
angelzone | 9:54 am | me, myself and i
Friday, October 17, 2008
So childish
I have been so childish about the magical 4-letter word. No wonder I'm still at this state.
N my face still can't be healed properly. Going for facial would be the answer, but......
Why is there always a BUT?
angelzone | 10:30 pm | me, myself and i
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Quote of the night
"All I have is my mind, and nobody can see that."
angelzone | 9:21 pm | me, myself and i
Monday, October 13, 2008
So pk did not study yet again. Happy. As time ticks away, even happier...
angelzone | 10:08 pm | me, myself and i
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A beautiful Sunday made for studying
It's really a Sunday made for studying. There are no windsurfing sessions today. But I couldn't really force myself to open up my lecture notes and study that shit.
Imagining my peers do that, especially those CAP 5s, makes me sick. Why should studying be such a chore? I want to study because I want to, not because I'm forced to - forced to catch up with those CAP 5s.
Okay, this shit is actually quite an intersting shit. Just bear with it and I'll be okay......
angelzone | 11:51 am | me, myself and i
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oh my!
Life is really getting tougher. Singapore has slipped into recession and the economy would only get worse. The final year exams for sec schs has ended which means there wouldn't be tuition assignments at least for the next 2 months. How am I going to find $ during festive season which in coming up?
The nightmare has begun - the final exam for the drugs module is coming and the IA Report is due too.
Oh my!
angelzone | 4:02 pm | me, myself and i
Friday, October 03, 2008
It's so hard carving out a living now. The bus fare has increased - $0.71 for a feeder bus service. The electricity bill will increase next month. Ministers' pay too, but not my parents' and mine.
I know it's easy to blame the ministers for this, when they couldn't even do anything about inflation, which is happening around the world. This brings us to the question - why are we paying them so much since they couldn't do anything about the rising cost of living?
Okay, the argument goes like this: We need to attract talented people to run the country. If we do not pay these ministers and have Chee Soon Juan and Co. running the government instead, we would be worse off than now. Yada yada yada and all those shit, WHICH IS SADLY TRUE!
How long more would I lead such a life? How long?
angelzone | 12:49 am | me, myself and i
Thursday, October 02, 2008
It ended...finally...
Now I am more aware of what the 4 letter word means.
It requires no words, just silence. A magical silence.
Ha! But not the kind of silence I always have. That's the DAO kind of silence, which is a 3 letter word. Sad case......
angelzone | 11:45 pm | me, myself and i
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
OMG-ending soon!
I'm about to finish reading "Where rainbows end". I DON'T WANT IT TO END SO SOON!
So didn't manage to study today as I was too sick - not literally sick. I'm just sick of studying this "pro drugs, soft drugs, n whatever. So what did I do? Hai. Reading "Where rainbows end"....wth right...
But I manage to run today! Although my stamina was evidently weakening, at least the run gets my momentum going for Stan Chart.
Hai. I can't help sighing as this shit module is really troubling me. N I'm not studying as I used to. NOT THAT I DON'T WANT TO! N I'm sick of complaining too as it doesn't help anything!
angelzone | 10:15 pm | me, myself and i